1. Children must wear every day the prescribed School Uniform. All should wear the school ties, black shoes and socks.
    • Irregular attendance, unjustified absence from school, habitual lack of interest in studies, disobedience, insubordination, unbecoming language and behavior cheating, stealing are sufficient reasons for dismissal from school.
    • Pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside the school. Hence behaviorly outside the school is liable to the same penalty.
  2. Every child must provide himself / herself with a complete outfit and everything that a necessary as prescribed by the school Authorities. All student must use their own materials and are themselves responsible for any loss of books or money etc.
  3. Every child must bring the School Calendar to class daily. No pupil is allowed to tear any page from the Calendar Breaches to this rule will be dealt with severely.
  4. No books or periodicals, unless approved by the Principal, are allowed to be brought to the school.
  5. Any damage done in or out the school premises must be made good by the parents of the child. The decision of the Principal regarding the amount to be paid is final.
  6. Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is never allowed.
  7. At the 'five minute' bell all must take their seats, during the absence of the teacher the Head monitor/monitress will be responsible for the order and discipline of his/her class.
  8. When children move along the corridors, they must walk in silence and in a single line. They should keep to the left behaviorly when going down or coming up the stairs.
  9. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are expected from all.
  10. All should be particularly careful not to throw any papers seeds etc. anywhere in the school premises; They should use baskets and dustbins especially provided for this purpose.
  11. Presents to members of staff or other demonstration in their honour also require the sanction of the Principal.
  12. No pupil who has been absent from school or who misses the first period of each session will be admitted to class with out the principal's sanction.
  13. Fines may be imposed with the Principal's sanction only.
  14. Each pupil should endeavor to keep up the high tone of the school by excelling in good manners and deportment, hence for the smooth running of the school, no pupil may bring into school any object liable to prove a source of disturbance namely crackers, water pistols, etc.
  15. Parents are requested not to ask the children to leave school before class is over, except in case of necessity when permission will be obtained in writing.
  16. Students may not be sent by any body or leave the school premises during school time, which includes the long recess in the morning, without the previous sanction of the Principal.
  17. Prayers must be said with respect and devotion. After the assembly students will go to their classes in silence. Silence is to be maintained during class hours in classes and along the corridors by all.
  18. Students should sit in their own classes and have their breakfast. They are advised to bring chapati and vegetables and not to purchase any eatable from hawkers.
  19. N.B. The attention of pupils is called to the following rules of discipline from Chapter Il, Section VII of the Grant-in-aid Code. Heads of School should see that the following principles of discipline are observed :
    1. Regularity and implicit obedience are exacted in the school.
    2. Politeness and courtesy of speech and conduct as well as cleanliness of dress and person are inculcated.
    3. Pupils are made to realize that they are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the school but also for their general behavior outside. Any reported or observed objectionable conduct out of school on the part of the pupil should make them liable to disciplinary action.